Timing rules are strict in a 1031 Exchange. Use our Days Calculator to help keep you on track.
Enter the date the relinquished property (sale) was closed:
Disclaimer: This calculator is a tool to be used as a guide in planning for your exchange. Days are based on calendar days and not business days; with no exceptions for weekends or holidays. In some situations, individual variables need to be considered to calculate the dates accurately, such as the due date of the exchanger’s tax return and the date of any filing extensions; these situations are beyond the functionality provided by this calculator.
Neither Turner Investment Corporation nor McDermott Investment Services, LLC guarantees the accuracy of information provided. Nothing on this site is intended to provide tax or legal advice which can only provide by your own qualified tax or legal advisors. Information is intended to provide you with useful business points to discuss with your own tax or legal advisor(s).
Key deadlines that the Exchanger must meet to have a valid exchange: